Friday, October 03, 2008

Fun Family Portraits

One of my favorite photographers, Millie Holloman, just wrote a fantastic article on "How to Create Fun Family Portraits." I am frequently asked about clothing and location choices, so I thought these might be helpful tips for those of you who have an upcoming shoot:

Just Do It! (Something Fun That Is): The best way to get natural, interesting photos is to do something interesting that your family does naturally. Go get ice cream at the local ice cream parlor; plan a photo shoot at the bowling alley; visit the zoo. The venue adds interest and depth to the resulting portraits; certainly more eye-catching than a black backdrop!

Mix It Up; Don't Match Up: Does everyone in your family wear matching shirts every day? If not, why should you look so "matchy-matchy" in your family portrait? Instead of wearing the exact same thing, choose a color palette (three colors or less) and have everyone create their own outfit within that palette. Look through your favorite magazines for photos; look at how the model families wear individual outfits that complement one another, and mimic their style!

Don't Act Natural--Be Natural: Cameras can make you uneasy; they can also make even those most animated individuals turn stiff. For years, parents have taught their children to smile with one simple word: "Cheese!" How natural is that? Spend time talking to each other; adults should interact with the kids--hug them, play with them, kiss them. Let grandpa tell that story that puts the whole family in stitches every time while the photographer capture those priceless reactions.

To read the full article, click here.

1 comment:

H.Cook said...

thanks, this is great!